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CLUB POLICYThe guidelines in this document are based on the national guidelines as outlined in the following documents. Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport, Irish Sports Council, 2000. Children First: National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children, Dept. of Health & Children 1999. Our Duty to Care, Dept. of Health & Children 2002 Football Association of Ireland Code of Ethics & Best Practice .
Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. Mission Statement
Integrity in Relationships
Quality Atmosphere and Ethos
Fair Play
(European Sports Charter and Code of Ethics, Council of Europe, 1993) Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C Child Protection & Welfare Policy Statement IntroductionBailieboro Celtic A.F.C. is committed to ensuring that all necessary steps will be taken to protect and safeguard the welfare of children and young people who participate in soccer. This Policy document clearly demonstrates the importance placed by Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. on the protection and safety of children and young people who participate in soccer. All children and young people who participate in soccer should be able to do so in a safe and enjoyable environment. While doing so they should be protected from any form of abuse be it physical, emotional, sexual, neglect or bullying. The responsibility for protecting children lies with all adults involved in this club and in soccer in general. Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. recognises and accepts its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and young people by protecting them from physical, emotional or sexual harm and from neglect or bullying These clear policies, practices and procedures in addition to relevant training programmes will ensure that everybody in Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. knows exactly what is expected of them in relation to protecting children and young people within soccer.It is vital that children and young people who participate in Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C activities are able to do so in a safe, enjoyable and quality environment. In pursuit of this goal Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. will:
The aims of Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. Child Protection Policy are:
The key principles underpinning this Policy are that:
The Football Association of Ireland’s regulations in regard to child welfare and protection are defined in the rulebook as:
Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. Procedure for dealing with Child Abuse Concerns or AllegationsIt is important to note that the investigation of suspected child abuse is the responsibility of the Statutory Authorities (Gardai, HSE) and should not be undertaken by Children’s Officers or any other Club/League. All allegations of child abuse must be referred to the Statutory Authorities. When an allegation is received it should be assessed promptly and carefully. It will be necessary to decide whether a formal report should be made to the HSE and this decision should be based on reasonable grounds for concern. The following examples would constitute reasonable grounds for concern:
Ref. Children FirstStep OneAny allegation of abuse must in the first instance be brought to the attention of the Chairperson of the Club. Should the Chairperson be unsure whether reasonable grounds for concern exist s/he can informally consult with the local HSE duty social worker. S/he will be advised whether or not the matter requires a formal report. Coaches/volunteers may be subjected to erroneous or malicious allegations. Therefore, any allegation of abuse should be dealt with sensitively and appropriate support should be provided for staff/volunteers including counselling where necessary. Step TwoShould Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. become aware of an allegation of abuse of a child or children by a coach/volunteer during the execution of that coaches/volunteers duties, the Chairman will privately inform the coach/volunteer of the following:
Step ThreeThe coach/volunteer should be afforded an opportunity to respond. The Chairman will note the response and pass on this information when making the formal report to the HSE. The report to the HSE should contain observations, dates, times, locations and contexts in which the incident occurred or suspicion was aroused, together with any other relevant information. In cases of emergency, where a child appears to be at immediate and serious risk and the Chairperson is unable to contact a duty social worker, the Gardai shall be contacted. Under no circumstances will a child be left in a dangerous situation pending intervention by the Statutory Authorities Step FourOur Chairperson, if reporting suspected or actual child abuse to the Statutory Authorities will first inform the family of their intention to make such a report, unless doing so would endanger the child or undermine any statutory investigation. Step FiveAll subsequent actions following an allegation of abuse against a coach/volunteer will be taken in consultation with the HSE and An Garda Síochána. An immediate meeting will be sought with these two agencies for this purpose. The Football Association of Ireland National Children’s Officer is also available to provide support and advice. Step SixUnder Football Association of Ireland rules, any coach/volunteer/manager who is the subject of a statutory investigation into alleged child abuse, is required to stand down from all soccer activities until the investigation is completed. Therefore the FAI National Children’s Officer must be informed immediately of any formal notification to the Statutory Authorities. When a person is asked to stand down it should be made clear that it is only a precautionary measure in keeping with standard procedures/guidelines and will not prejudice any later disciplinary proceedings. The coach/volunteer concerned should be advised that the procedures being undertaken are in accordance with statutory requirements. He or she should be treated with respect and fairness, and also be assured that all information will be dealt with in a sensitive and confidential manner. Step SevenThe Club will carefully consider the outcome of the statutory investigation and will then assess if there are any outstanding disciplinary issues in relation to their internal rules or infringements of the Football Association of Ireland best practice guidelines. It must be remembered that the fact that the alleged abuser has not been prosecuted or been found guilty does not mean that they are appropriate to work with young people in the future. Internal Club disciplinary proceedings can only be initiated after the Statutory Authorities have completed theirs. Bailiebro Celtic A.F.C.2.4 Club Disciplinary, Complaints and Appeals Procedure (Covers all matters other than suspected child abuse which has to be referred to the Statutory Authorities See 10.6) While many concerns can be dealt with in an informal manner to the satisfaction of all concerned, it is advisable that detailed records are maintained in respect of all complaints and that all parties are advised of the formal complaints and appeals procedure. All reasonable efforts to resolve matters should be exhausted at local level before accessing the appeals procedure. Step OneAny person who has a complaint or concern should bring it to the attention of the secretary under the relevant rules of the body concerned.The complaint or concern should be in writing and should outline all relevant details and other parties involved in line with procedure. Step TwoThe complaint or concern should then be brought to the attention of the appropriate person in line with club rules who will convene the disciplinary committee/panel (best practice would advise that this committee/panel would consist of three members) unless the complaint or concern relates to a child abuse matter or criminal offence that meets criteria for formal reporting to the statutory authorities. Where there are potential contentious issues, due consideration should be given to ensure the independence of the disciplinary committee/panel and therefore, it is advisable that members of the disciplinary committee/panel should not be Offices/Directors of the body concerned as lack of independence is often cited as a ground for appeal. Step ThreeThe disciplinary committee/panel should furnish any participant with details of the complaint being made against them and afford them the opportunity of providing a response either verbally or in writing. In the event of a complaint against a child, the parents/guardians should be informed and advised of the process. Step FourThe disciplinary committee/panel should then hear the case of all parties involved and decide if a rule or regulation has been infringed. Step FiveThe disciplinary committee/panel should then inform in writing those involved of their decision and any sanctions if any that are to be imposed. This notification should be in writing, setting out the reasons for the sanction. (Written notification should be forwarded to parents if the proceedings involve a participant under eighteen years of age). Step SixAny party unhappy with the findings of the disciplinary committee/panel can appeal the decision in writing to their respective superior body as per rules. Clubs, leagues, divisional associations and other football bodies should review their rules to ensure they contain a provision that facilitates an appeals procedure in this respect. Step SevenThe appeal body should then rehear the case and all evidence, should be considered. The appeals body should have the power to uphold or reject the appeal or to vary, alter or set aside any sanction imposed by the disciplinary committee/panel. Written confidential records in relation to disciplinary proceedings should be safely and confidentially kept on file (procedures should clearly define the possession of such records in the event of election of new officers). Anonymous ComplaintsAnonymous complaints can be difficult to deal with, however they cannot be ignored. All complaints relating to inappropriate behaviour/poor practice should be brought to the attention of the Chairperson of the Club. In all cases the safety and welfare of the child/children is paramount. All complaints should be checked out and handled in a confidential manner. It is important to record all such complaints and actions taken. Specific advice on dealing with anonymous complaints can be got from your local HSE duty social worker or alternatively the Football Association of Ireland National Children’s Officer. RumoursRumours should not be allowed hang in the air. Any rumour/s relating to inappropriate behaviour/s circulating in the club should be brought to the attention to the Chairperson and checked out promptly. All ensuing information should be handled confidentially and with sensitivity. ConfidentialityConfidentiality is about managing information in a respectful, professional and purposeful manner. It is important that the rights of both the child and the person about whom the complaint has been made are protected. Therefore, appropriate confidentiality will be maintained in respect of all issues and people involved in concerns about the welfare of a child or bad practice within the club. The following points will be borne in mind:
Recruitment PolicyBailieboro Celtic A.F.C. will take all reasonable steps to ensure that coaches, managers and volunteers are suitable to work with children and young people. All coaches, managers and volunteers are required to complete an application/self declaration form, giving the names of two referees who will then be contacted. Written references will then be verified and kept on file. All coaches/volunteers subject to Garda clearance (when available). All appointments are subject to approval and ratification by the committee of Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C.. All coaches, managers and volunteers will be subject to a sign up procedure in which they undertake to abide by Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. rules and FAI codes of conduct and good practice. (Appropriate confidentiality will be maintained in regard to all application and reference forms). Once recruited, Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. will make all efforts to support and manage coaches, managers and volunteers ensuring that no person is expected to work alone. Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. Coach, Manager, Volunteer Education & Support PolicyThe Committee of Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. are indebted to our coaches, managers and volunteers who give freely of their valuable time in providing a stimulating, challenging, supportive and fun soccer experience to children and young people in the Club. The Committee will endeavour to support these coaches, managers and volunteers in their work by providing an environment where all activities are carried out in a safe, fun manner at all times conducted in the spirit of “Fair Play”. Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C.will make all efforts to assist all new volunteers, managers, coaches in whatever way they can. Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C will provide an induction pack to all new volunteers/coaches which will familiarise them with Club rules, policies and procedures and expected codes of behaviour for children, coaches and parents/spectators. Specifically in relation to those with no soccer background, the Committee have introduced a “Buddy” system whereby new members will accompany one of our existing coaches for a (decide on a time frame) period during which they can familiarise themselves with the Club and its members adult and children and introduce them to some basic training routines and practice models. The Committee of Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. recognise the value of having appropriately qualified personnel in the club, and therefore will endeavour to support any of our coaches in the coach education process. At no time will any coach, manager, volunteer be expected to work or deal with any problem alone and they will be assured of Committee assistance and support at all times. Also, coaches, managers and volunteers are encouraged to share ideas, expertise and support other club personnel in any way they can. Download Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C Coach Application & Self Declaration Form here*Download Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C Reference Form here *Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. Safety PolicyAll coaches/managers in (Insert Club Name Here) have a responsibility to ensure the safety of the players with whom they work as far as possible within the limits of their control. Therefore coaches should seek to create a safe and enjoyable environment in which to play and train. (Clubs are advised to carry out a risk assessment in relation to premises, training facilities and equipment and implement appropriate safety rules). In this respect:
Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. Substance Abuse PolicyIn Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. the use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco shall be actively discouraged as being incompatible with a healthy approach to sporting activity. Coaches/managers shall not smoke when taking a session or drink alcohol before taking a session. In relation to our under-age teams (Insert club name here) shall endeavour to organise receptions and celebrations in a nonalcoholic environment and in a manner that is suitable for the age group concerned. Where this is not possible, the Club will comply with the Football Association of Ireland directive that under no circumstances whatsoever can any person under the age of 18 years consume alcohol and any and all appropriate steps should be taken to ensure that this policy is strictly adhered to. Our coaches/managers/committee shall act as role models for appropriate behaviour and refrain from drinking alcohol at such functions Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C Children’s Officer/sThe appointment of Club Children’s Officer(s) is an essential element in the creation of a quality atmosphere in any club. They act as a resource to members with regard to children’s issues and also ensure that children have a voice in the running of the club and can freely talk of their experiences. Government guidelines advise that a children’s officer should be appointed by all clubs and this should be done in accordance with recommended selection and recruitment procedures. The appointment of this person should be carried out in consultation with juvenile members and their parent/guardians. The League/Club Children’s Officer should have the following functions:
Club/League Children’s Officers do not have the responsibility of investigating or validating child protection concerns within the club and have no counselling or therapeutic role. This responsibility lies with the HSE and Gardai.Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. have appointed as our Children’s Officer and she/he can be contacted at Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. Guidance on the Use of Photographic and Filming EquipmentMany people use cameras and video equipment at soccer activities and the vast majority, do so for perfectly legitimate reasons. However there is evidence that people have used sporting events to take inappropriate photographs and video footage of children and young people in vulnerable positions. Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. has adopted a policy in relation to the use of images of players on their websites and in other publications. Where possible we will try to use models or illustrations when promoting an activity and avoid the use of the first name and surname of individuals in a photograph. This reduces the risk of inappropriate, unsolicited attention from people within and outside the sport. Rules to guide use of photography:
The content of the photograph should focus on the activity not on a particular child Create recognised procedures for reporting the use of inappropriate images to reduce the risks to player’s. Follow the child protection procedures, ensuring either the designated person or, if necessary, the health boards and/or gardai are informed. Amateur photographers/film/video operators wishing to record an event or practice session should seek permission/accreditation with the children’s officer, team manager/coach and/or event organiser of session. This club / organisation will display the following information prior to the start of an event to inform spectators of the policy: “In line with the recommendation in the Bailieboro Cetlic A.F.C. Code of Conduct, the promoters of this event request that any person wishing to engage in any video, zoom or close range photography should register their details with the organisers. Children and young people should only be photographed or filmed with their permission and/or the permission of their parents/guardian”. When commissioning professional photographers or inviting the press to an activity or event we will aim to ensure they are clear about our expectations of them in relation to child protection. Professional photographers/film/video operators wishing to record an event or practice session should seek accreditation with the children’s officer/event organiser/team manager by producing their professional identification for the details to be recorded. We will then:
Videoing as a coaching AidVideo equipment can be used as a legitimate coaching aid. However, permission should first be obtained from the player and the player’s parent/carer. Clubs should also be aware of the dangers of permitting camera phones in dressing rooms and should apply appropriate safety rules.Anyone concerned about any photography taking place at events/matches or training sessions should bring their concerns to the attention of the committee/team manager/coach children’s officer. Mobile PhonesMobile phones are often given to children for security, enabling parents to keep in touch and make sure they are safe. Young people value their phones highly as it offers them a sense of independence. In addition mobile phones allow quick and easy contact, which can make a safe and efficient way to carry out club business. However such technology has also allowed an increase in direct personal contact with young people, in some cases used to cross personal boundaries and cause harm to young people. Therefore, we need to encourage responsible and secure use of mobile phones by adults and young people. Therefore club personnel should advise children:
As a coach/manager remember:
Don’t use the phone in certain locations; inappropriate use of your camera phone may cause upset or offence to another person, e.g. changing rooms.. Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. Travelling GuidelinesWhen travelling with young people coaches/volunteers of (insert club name here) should:
Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. Touching GuidelinesAll managers/volunteers of Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. are advised that: Any necessary physical contact should be in response to the needs of the child and not the adult It should be in an open environment with the permission and full understanding of the player. It should be determined by the age and developmental stage of the player. You should not anything that a child can do for him/herself. Coaches should not treat injuries out of sight of others. Use a "Two-Deep" (two personnel, or two players) supervision system. Only personnel who are qualified in administering First Aid or treating sports injuries should attempt to treat an injury. The comfort level and dignity of the player should always be the priority. Example: Only uncover the injured area, or cover private areas of the athlete's body. Any doubts of a medical nature should be passed on to a suitably qualified medical person. Coaches should not play injured players. Comforting/congratulating players is an important part of the relationship between coaches and players. Guidelines for this type of touch are: Limit touching to "safe" areas, such as hand-to-shoulder. It should not involve touching genital area, buttocks, breasts, or mouths. Make your intention to congratulate or comfort clear to the player. Get permission from the player before embracing them - remember that personnel are in the position of power. Respect a players discomfort or rejection of physical contact. Be sure that touching occurs only when others are present. Avoid unnecessary physical contact and never engage in inappropriate touching Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. Guidance on the use of Sanctions Discipline in SoccerDiscipline in soccer should always be positive in focus, providing the structures and rules that allow players to set their own goals and strive for them. It should encourage players to become moreresponsible for themselves and their actions and therefore more independent. Discipline should be a positive reinforcement for effort. It should encourage the development of emotional and social skills as well as skills in soccer. Players have to be helped to become responsible for the decisions and choices they make within soccer, particularly when it is likely to make a difference between playing fairly or unfairly. There is no place in soccer for fighting, bullying, over aggressive or dangerous behaviour. At all times, players should treat others in a respectful manner. They should never bully, interfere with or take unfair advantage of others. The use of sanctions is an important element in the maintenance of discipline. However Coaches/Managers/Volunteers and Administrators should have a clear understanding of where and when particular sanctions are appropriate. It should be remembered that effectively controlled organisations and successful coaches/managers/volunteers are characterised by the sparring use of sanctions. The age and developmental stage of the child should be taken into account when using sanctions. Sanctions should always be fair, consistent and applied evenly, and in the case of a persistent offence, should be progressively applied. The following steps are suggested:
Adapted from the Irish Sports Councils Code of Ethics & Good Practice for Children’s Sport (2005). Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. Code of Conduct for Spectators
Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. Players Code of ConductChildren in Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. are entitled to:
Children should also be encouraged to realise that they also have responsibilities to treat other children, fellow players, coaches and volunteers with the same degree of fairness and respect. In this regard children in Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. should undertake to:
Children in Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. should not:
In Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. we want children to have fun and develop skills in a safe and Fair Play environment where standards of behaviour are just as important as winning. We recognise that competition and winning is an important goal, but winning at all costs does not meet the needs of young players. Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. are aware that recent research would suggest that increasing numbers of children leave sport between the ages of eight and thirteen. A number of the most common reasons given were; that sport was no longer fun, they did not get to play and overemphasis on winning. Therefore we have to make every effort to ensure that we keep a balanced approach to competition, make sure all players get a chance to play and strive to keep the fun in soccer. Making sport fun. In promoting “Sport for Fun” we in Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. will insist on:
Best Practice-CoachesIn keeping children and young people at the forefront of planning and practice, our coaches can be confident that participants will enjoy their football experiences and that their actions are regarded as safe and in keeping with the principle that the safety and welfare of children is of paramount consideration. Our Coaches are given a position of trust by parents/guardians and players, and are expected to operate to the highest standards of behaviour whilst in the company of under age players (under 18years). Our coaches are also expected not to engage in any activity that could reasonably be viewed as bringing the club or soccer in general into disrepute. It is important to for our coaches to note that in adhering to these guidelines ensures not only a safe environment for children but also a safe environment in which coaches and volunteers can operate.Most coaches work in an environment where it is recognised that, in a sporting context, certain types of coaching require a ‘hands on approach’, i.e., it may be necessary to support a participant in order to physically demonstrate a particular technique. This should only occur when necessary and in an open and appropriate way with the knowledge, permission and full understanding of the participant concerned and his/her parents/guardians. Coaches must realise that certain situations or friendly actions could be misinterpreted, not only by the player, but by outsiders motivated by jealousy, dislike or mistrust and could lead to allegations of sexual misconduct or impropriety. Therefore coaches should be aware of, and avoid all situations conducive to risk. Where possible, our coaches/volunteers should avoid:
Our Coaches/volunteers should never:
SafetyCoaches have a responsibility to ensure the safety of all players possible within the limits of their control. Therefore, coaches should seek to create a safe and enjoyable environment in which to play and train. In this respect:
Parents / GuardiansMembers of our Club come from varying sporting backgrounds and take on various roles within our Club yet, irrespective of their backgrounds, we all share the common goal of providing football opportunities for our younger members. As Parents, Coaches, and administrators we all have an important role to play in promoting good practice in children’s sport. We should have, as our first priority, the children’s safety and enjoyment of soccer. We need to that Safe is safe and fun, regardless of what level it is played, and that it takes place in the spirit of FAIR PLAY. Fair play is the guiding principle of our Code of Ethics and Good Practice guide for Coaches which ahs been compiled to provide guidance for those working with young people in Soccer. It outlines the type of issues that need to be discussed and addressed to provide the safest and most enjoyable environment not only for young people but also the coaches and volunteers involved. In taking this approach children are encouraged to:
Guide for Parents / GuardiansParents / Guardians play an important role in promoting children’s happiness and success in soccer and sport in general. Parental expectations and behaviour have a significant bearing on children’s attitude and behaviour while participating in soccer. Parents / Guardians need to be aware of why children want to play soccer. Children want to learn new skills, make new friends, be part of a group, to win and be successful, experience challenges, excitement and action. While winning is important, it must be remembered that winning at all costs does not meet the need of players. Results are not necessarily a good indicator of coaching effectiveness or ability, the improvement level of players and their level of enjoyment is. Support and encouragement from Parents / Guardians will contribute to children having:
It is important for parents / guardians to find out what their children want from soccer, and help them to set realistic targets to achieve this. This may involve controlling their own aspirations and avoiding the desire to force their own dreams or unfulfilled ambitions on them. It is important to:
Parents / Guardians should not:
Parent / Coach Co-OperationIt is important that Parents / Guardians establish contact with the individual; responsible for coaching their child. In addition Parents / Guardians should:
Parents / Guardians should never:
In promoting “Football for Fun” everyone involved in the Club should:
Children in Soccer are entitled to:
Children should also be encouraged to realize that they also have responsibilities to treat other children, fellow players, referees, coaches and volunteers with the same degree of fairness and respect. In this regards children should undertake to:
Children should not:
Responsibility to ReportAny individual who has concerns about a child’s welfare or who suspects that a child is being abused, or is at risk of abuse, has a responsibility to report their concerns to the Health Board or Gardai. Anyone in doubt as to whether or not certain behaviours are abusive and therefore reportable, are advised that they can seek advice from the duty social worker in their local health board. In cases of emergency where a child appears to be at immediate risk and the local duty social worker is not available the Gardai should be contacted. Under no circumstances should a child be left in a dangerous situation pending intervention by the Statutory. Note from the Committee.In this booklet we have drawn from the experience of the F.A.I. and the Irish Sports Council in drawing up our club’s Code of Conduct and Good Practice for Parents / Guardians. It is intended purely as a guide and we would be happy to receive suggestions from our Coaches / Volunteers on any improvements they believe should be made to this guide. We would ask that you follow these guidelines and ensure, to the best of you ability, that the children under your supervision do likewise. By having structures and guidelines in place we ensure that we can offer the best possible introduction to Soccer to our younger members. |